How To Export Named Locations In AzureAD Using PowerShell

In this blog post, I will guide you through how to export named locations in AzureAD using PowerShell, as well as how to configure the required API permissions using app registrations in AzureAD.

If your organization has many office locations and branches, you might have numerous IP addresses added to your named locations in Azure AD for use in Conditional Access or impossible travel policies. It can be challenging to obtain all the information about your locations in a convenient format.

Step 1: Create Azure App Registration.

Login to your management portal and navigate to “Applications > App registrations” and click on “New Registration“.

Choose a name for your application that aligns with your naming convention, and leave the other settings as default. After clicking on ‘save,’ you’ll be directed to the overview page for your application. Make sure to take note of the “Application (client) ID” value in the overview section, as it will be utilized in the script variables for establishing a connection.

Copy the Client ID.

Step 2: Add required API permissions the the application.

Go to the “API permissions” located in the left-hand menu, and select “Add a permission.” From there, choose “Microsoft Graph.

Microsoft Graph API

As per current Microsoft documentation, the required permissions for fetching “Named Locations” through the Rest API include:

Permission typePermissions (from least to most privileged)
Delegated (work or school account)Policy.Read.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account)Not supported.
Source: Get namedLocation – Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn

For this example, we’re using the “Application” permission type, although you could also utilize Delegated permissions. However, that won’t be discussed in this guide.

Select “Application Permissions” and search for “Policy.Read.All“. Ensure the permission is selected and click on “Add permissions.” Once you’ve added the necessary permissions, you’ll need to “Grant admin consent” for the application.

Add permissions
Grant admin consent

Step 3: Create Client Secret

Go to the “Certificates & secrets” in the left pane of your application and click on “New client secret” after generating a new client secret, it’s important that you copy it to a secure place before leaving the window, otherwise it will be hidden. I recommend letting the secret expire after 90 days to ensure key integrity.

Once you have created the client secret, note down the “Value” and proceed to the script. This value is your “Client Secret

Step 4: Replace variables in the script and run.

At the beginning of the script, you’ll see the variables that need to be modified with the values from your tenant and application. The variables are relatively self-explanatory.

$ExportPath = “C:\Temp\output”

Check out this example of how the output would appear after converting the CSV file to a readable format. To convert it effortlessly, you can use my bulk CSV converter script from one of my earlier posts.

Bulk Convert CSV Files to Excel Files Using Powershell

I hope you found this blogpost helpful! If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to connect, drop a comment below and I’ll do my best to get back to you.

3 thoughts on “How To Export Named Locations In AzureAD Using PowerShell”

  1. It is also possible to use the “AzureAD Powershell Module” to obtain this list.

    # – Install-Module -Name AzureADPreview
    # – Connect-AzureAD
    $namedlocations = Get-AzureADMSNamedLocationPolicy
    $ExportPath = “C:\Temp\output”

    $NamedLocationsReport = foreach ($NamedLocation in $NamedLocations) {
    DisplayName = $NamedLocation.displayName
    IsTrusted = $NamedLocation.IsTrusted
    IPranges = ($NamedLocation.ipranges.cidraddress -join ‘,’)
    CountriesAndRegions = ($NamedLocation.countriesAndRegions -join ‘,’)
    includeUnknownCountriesAndRegions = $NamedLocation.includeUnknownCountriesAndRegions

    # Check if the path exists, and create it if it does not exist.
    If(!(Test-Path -Path $ExportPath)){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ExportPath}
    # Export the report to a CSV file using UTF8 encoding and ‘;’ delimiter.
    $NamedLocationsReport | Export-Csv -Path “$($ExportPath)\NamedLocations_Report.csv” -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ‘;’

  2. I found this page because Get-AzureADMSNamedLocationPolicy didn’t work for me.

    Sadly your script didn’t help much – I did get way more info thank you – but I really only have one policy with lots of countries allowed.

    I was hoping to get a list of those countries, and whilst I can get all the country codes, they are of no use to me as I need them in readable format.

  3. @lucashadberg your script from comment is fine but not cover scenario when you have more than one IP under Named Location

    Use below one to get all IP ranges from named locations.
    # Install-Module -Name AzureADPreview
    # Connect-AzureAD

    $NamedLocations = Get-AzureADMSNamedLocationPolicy
    $ExportPath = “C:\Temp\output”

    $NamedLocationsReport = foreach ($NamedLocation in $NamedLocations) {
    foreach ($IPRange in $NamedLocation.ipranges) {
    DisplayName = $NamedLocation.displayName
    IsTrusted = $NamedLocation.IsTrusted
    IPrange = $IPRange.cidraddress
    CountriesAndRegions = ($NamedLocation.countriesAndRegions -join “,”)
    IncludeUnknownCountriesAndRegions = $NamedLocation.includeUnknownCountriesAndRegions

    # Check if the path exists, and create it if it does not exist.
    if(!(Test-Path -Path $ExportPath)){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ExportPath}

    # Export the report to a CSV file using UTF8 encoding and ‘;’ delimiter.
    $NamedLocationsReport | Export-Csv -Path “$($ExportPath)\NamedLocations_Report_$(Get-date -f yyyyMMdd-HHmmss).csv” -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ‘;’


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